Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Labor market improves.

Uh, with a catch... 
But there’s a catch. The quality of the jobs the U.S. is creating right now in terms of pay, benefits, hours, and skills leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is not only the depth of the recession and the sluggishness of the recovery. It also reflects the changing structure of the U.S. economy, as more manufacturing operations shift to overseas locations, while service businesses, which often pay much less, take a more dominant role in job creation.
The tax code in this country encourages companies to manufacture overseas, couple that with overpaid union wages and we have a McDonald's economy. Not to disparage Mickey D's, I personally  dine there on occasion, but those jobs are not meant to sustain a economy.

Barry and his crew will see to it nothing changes...
Keep the folks down, dumb and on the dole you know.

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