Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy "Googlely" Thanksgiving

Yesterday's post started this. Yes it's still snowing and
we have white-out conditions. I prepost so much here,
that it's just 30 minutes past my last post. It's 8:30 Tuesday
morning. I can't see across the street because it's snowing
and blowing so hard. That's about a distance of 100 feet.

This time the "Mad Googler" tried "Funny Turkeys". 
There were so many to choose from, but when you boil
down to it you have to be that Special Funny Turkey to
make these pages. I even doctored one that was screaming
for my attention. 

HAPPY THANKSGIVING and enjoy your day ....
 I found out how to get these animated GIFs to work without photobucket ... use original size.
 Funny but  ....  what's a blind man doing with an ax ?
 Planning for next Thanksgiving.
 Who'd a thunk ... a turkey herding dog.
 Gettin' ready for the big day just shootin' the breeze.
 The cook is having a few Beefeaters with Woodsterman and TWP ... Can you tell?
 How's that GrOpe and Change working out for you?
"I'll tell you what ... Let's try a little ChOke and Change instead, Sucka!"

Now what in the world was she doing with funny turkeys?
She's trying to tell me to end this with a rule 5 

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