Saturday, August 7, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers IV

I cannot confirm if this is indeed THE Little Miss Muffet.  Mainly because I have no idea what a tuffet looks like.
How does one manage to make it look like they've tucked their ass into their pants like a shirt?
 Oh, the humanity.  How did we get to this point as a species??? 
 At what point does a person just say  “F*ck it, I don’t need to put on shoes or pants”?  Most people in the
world would put pants on to walk into another room of the house, or if not that, then they would put some
on if they're going to the street to get their mail.  And you made it to Walmart.

 I know what a muffin-top is, but I’ve never seen a muffin-back.  I think there needs to be a better word for it, so, I'm open to suggestions.

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