Saturday, December 4, 2010

From Summer Of Recovery To Season Of Hope

Summer of recovery............
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Season of hope..........
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What the hell will spring bring?

 From MSNBC.
'Season of hope' 
Crazy uncle Joe, er VP Biden......
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Republicans argue tax cuts must be made permanent for everyone to avoid sapping spending while the economy is still weak. They also say Congress should have a plan to pay for the estimated $65 billion cost of extending jobless aid, in order to avoid adding to the country's high and rising debts. Three weeks before Christmas, Biden stressed it was not the time to sever support for those in need.
"Cutting unemployment insurance is not only not smart, it's not right either," Biden said. "That's no message to send in the season of hope."
This young lady has a great post on other idiots who think like Joe.
Why don't we all go on unemployment and sit back and watch the economy explode!

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