Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Did Unemployment Pay For Loughner's Glock?

Via Sweetness & Light.

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Glock 19: How did Unemployed Jared Loughner Buy Popular, Expensive Pistol?

The Glock 19 Costs $400-$500, Not Including Bullets and Magazines
Jan. 11, 2011
The gun Jared Lee Loughner allegedly used to try to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is a popular firearm around the world. Questions remain how Loughner, with no record of recent employment, could afford a $500 Glock 19.
Little is known about Loughner’s employment record. He volunteered at a local pet shelter in January and February of last year, according to the New York Times, which reported he was told not to come back after he refused to follow the rules about where to walk the dogs. Loughner said on his application at the shelter that he worked at an Eddie Bauer store in Tucson from October 2008 to November 2009
Given that our new unemployment benefits which now extend for three years, Mr. Loughner could easily still be collecting unemployment from his job at Eddie Bauer. The top unemployment benefit in Arizona as of 2009 was $240 a week. Which should be plenty for someone still living with his parents.
By the way, you will notice that ABC News did not wonder where Mr. Loughner got the money for his daily marijuana smoking.
If it turns out that he did purchase this pistol with extended unemployment money should Congress be held partly responsible? What will Ms. Pelosi say?
Should people be allowed to buy guns with federal money?
I won't hold my breath for Ms. Pelosi's answer.......

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